GLS-ONE is our new and improved online portal for private customers to buy labels & ship parcels the easy way!

e-commerce online parcel label

Simply register, choose your parcel size, add it to your shopping cart, pay and receive your parcel label.

  • Create an account
    Register on the GLS-ONE website

    Register on GLS-ONE to create parcel labels & manage your own account

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  • Choose your parcel size
    Configure your parcel size

    Choose from a list of parcel sizes easily

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  • Make your payment online
    Payment online

    Make your payment via PayPal

    Close Info Box
  • Your label is created
    Order confirmation

    Your order is confirmed, label created and all you have to do next is drop your parcel into your nearest ParcelShop

    Close Info Box
  • Drop your package into your nearest Parcel Shop
    Drop your package into your nearest Parcel Shop

    Use our Parcel Shop finder to locate your nearest Parcel Shop.

    Close Info Box

Benefits as a registered user

My Address Book

1. Add various addresses

2. Edit & delete addresses

My Account

1. Edit account details like your email address and password

2. Add your address as the default sender address

My Parcels

1. Filter delivery types

2. Filter time frames

3. Add parcels

4. Access mobile parcel labels & proof of delivery

Register on GLS-ONE today!
