GLS Parcel Shop

We have more than 400 GLS Parcel Shops in Slovakia.
They are integrated into existing shops and businesses as well as GLS depots. All of them have longer opening hours.

Send your parcels now with GLS.

You can also ship a cash on delivery parcel, meaning the driver collects the amount when the parcel is handed over.

Woman with parcel and price calculator in GLS Parcelshop


The price for parcel sending with GLS depends on the size.To determine the size, the longest and the shortest side of the parcel are measured and added together.

This then determines whether the parcel is XS, S, M, L or XL. A parcel can weigh up to a maximum of 15 kg for import parcels and same 15 kg for export parcels, regardless of its size.

Delivery with GLS company courier

Delivery with GLS

GLS delivers parcels to your door, a Parcel Shop, or a ParcelLocker. Your choice!

Calculation of the parcel price by woman holding tablet

Calculate the parcel price

Our price calculator lets you quickly determine how much a given parcel will cost to send.

Customer walking from the GLS ParcelShop

Open a ParcelShop

Do you own a shop? Add GLS Services to your offer, and gain new customers and revenue sources.

Become a GLS Parcel Shop partner
Become a GLS Parcel Shop partner
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